Friday, August 15, 2014

The start of an adventure begins with the first step...

I've done all the packing and preparing I can..the day to leave finally came! Goodbye's are hard and I am going to miss Colorado and all the people(and horses:) I love while I am gone! But I look forward to getting a new perspective on the world, where I came from and where I will be when I get back! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to learn so much on my adventure! Thanks everyone for supporting me on my adventure-I appreciate and love you all!

                                                           (Goodbye at the airport)

My adventure has begun! On a plane from Denver, CO USA to Tokyo, Japan to Bangkok, Thailand and a long drive to Phichit, Thailand I made it to my destination!

                                                                    (On the plane!)

                                       ("Airplane food, how about it?" for Becky...ha ha ha)
 If it takes over 36 hours to get must be the beginning to a pretty incredible adventure! I am so blessed to have this opportunity to explore Thailand...can't wait to see where it takes me!

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