Monday, September 29, 2014

Grand Palace and Reclning Buddha!

This last weekend we took a trip to Bangkok! It was awesome! I feel blessed everyday to get to experience this!

We started out taking a boat down the river...what a fun ride that was! We got to see these cool sights and more!

Grand Palace and the Reclining Buddha!

Car Free Day in Phichit!

We made a friend, Jeab, at the Crocodile park and she invited us to ride our bikes in the "Car Free Day" that she put together! We made lots of friends and had a wonderful time! Free shirts and a free breakfast?! Sign me up again:)

Salsa in Tailand

Today we made salsa in Thailand...not your traditional Thai food...but it made us so happy!!! Our Thai friends didn't find it as awesome as we did, but we loved it! Best salsa we have ever made :)

First 2 Weeks in Thailand!

First day in Thailand was awesome!

We overlapped the last group of teachers and got to stay at the clinic for the first few days...the air conditioning and food was awesome! :)

                                     (Jessie and I shared a room...this is my half of the bed:)

                                                 (View from the balcony of our room)

We went and explored the town a little on our first day, here is some of what we saw!

                                                             (View of the streets)

                                                                    (Pink eggs?!)

                                 (Not sure what it is besides a pretty building we walked by)

We stopped to get some local fruit, they are awesome!

Friday, August 15, 2014

The start of an adventure begins with the first step...

I've done all the packing and preparing I can..the day to leave finally came! Goodbye's are hard and I am going to miss Colorado and all the people(and horses:) I love while I am gone! But I look forward to getting a new perspective on the world, where I came from and where I will be when I get back! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to learn so much on my adventure! Thanks everyone for supporting me on my adventure-I appreciate and love you all!

                                                           (Goodbye at the airport)

My adventure has begun! On a plane from Denver, CO USA to Tokyo, Japan to Bangkok, Thailand and a long drive to Phichit, Thailand I made it to my destination!

                                                                    (On the plane!)

                                       ("Airplane food, how about it?" for Becky...ha ha ha)
 If it takes over 36 hours to get must be the beginning to a pretty incredible adventure! I am so blessed to have this opportunity to explore Thailand...can't wait to see where it takes me!